Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Current Events


The Struggle: Taina Litwak at Crow's Nest Baltimore

Taina Litwak, friend of EFAC, has a fabulous new installation that is currently on view at the Crow's Nest in Baltimore, a gorgeous little art space with a focus on climate and environmental justice. Panel discussion this Saturday! The artwork occupies the big front window of the gallery, so you can see the outward face of it anytime, day or night...

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Wintry Mix

 A couple things:

  • Tonight's closing reception at Touchstone Gallery is canceled due to graupel (and/or sleet, freezing rain, Chex Mix). The party will instead be tomorrow, Sunday 2-5 p.m. -- which means that if you buy art, you can take it home right away!

  • Please sign on to this Open Letter to Christie's about their gross and pathetic AutoIncorrect [Plagiarism Software] "art" auction. (Link opens in a new window.)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Art? What is it good for?

I participated in a study of health and retirement info. that included a lot of questions about my "current job," which I described as "self-employed artist."

When do I think I will retire? (Um, never?)

Is EFAC "manufacturing, sales, or service"?

How is (art) made??

What is (art) USED FOR???

It was a bit of a challenge.

I replied to "What is it used for?" with ".......Aesthetics."

EFAC is local.

EFAC is not a chain or franchise.

"What are your main responsibilities?"

"I am irresponsible."

The interviewer typed my answer carefully into the computer.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Small Things

Note: We have deactivated our Facebookery due to InfiniDim's anti-LGBT discriminatory behaviors/horridness. (Working on alternatives to the Instagramming.) Comment below -- all comments are private -- if you want to give me your email address to receive a little note whenever this blog is updated.

Both of my Small Things in the Touchstone Gallery show have been sold! Visit Touchstone (Wed-Sun. 12-5) by Feb. 9th if you want to see them in all their rusty, boniness. (Closing reception is Feb. 8th from 6-9; they will not have regular afternoon hours that day, but will be open Sun. 2/9 from 12-5. Also, a few extended hours: Jan. 30 & Feb. 5, the gallery will be open till 8 pm!)

Monday, January 13, 2025

Available Things

 These are pieces I have not sold, which are therefore still available through me (no commission! possible shipping costs!) -- inquire if intrigued.

On View Now

 A fellow artist who was working the floor at Touchstone Gallery yesterday sent me the happy news that both of my pieces in the District 51 show have been sold! I am delighted -- this is my first time in a juried show, and the overall quality of the other artwork on display is so high. It's really a lovely show, with a fabulous variety of mixed media, paintings, encaustics, amazing ceramics, etc. You can see them all (including my little assemblages) until February 9th (Wed-Sun 12-5).

"Tarmac" and "Climb"

Friday, January 3, 2025

The back of the thing

 Still writing "2024" on my rust...

(Detail, backside of “Climb” — delivered today to Touchstone Gallery for the District 51 show.)