Wednesday, May 29, 2013

EFAC had another very lovely experience at Playa del Fuego

An alleged 100 xerographic copies were created. As I survey the wreckage, we seem to have 5 full ciggy-box & trading-card compilations and 4 yarnbound zines (also with trading cards) at large in the Aerie. There could, one dares hypothesize, be an additional print run. But also, if you want these? Ask for what you want.

Monday, May 20, 2013


The photocopying shop is open until 9, but xeroxing the new zine cannot be rushed. But it IS DONE and ready to copy...tomorrow!

We are going to have some sort of availability of print zines and art-boxed zine/photo sets for the non-Playa Del Fuego attendees as well. Watch this space!

Friday, May 3, 2013

EFAC will be at the spring Playa Del Fuego - no big art installation this time, but we will be at Camp Tasty, making art & giving away the new zine. If we ever finish the new zine.