Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Extreme Forestry Arcadian Corps - Factsheet #2

The Blithe Stinglider is seldom found in the Tamaqua area. They are almost never harmful to large mammals such as humans! (Only three decapitations have been recorded in this area in several decades.)

Due to their larval/nymphal diet of anthracitic gravel and coal detritis, both Blithe and Vapid Stingliders excrete petroleum-laced, plasticine substances. Stinglider fewmets resemble small flared, hollow cylinders with one fringed end.

These cryptids have also been observed to create cocoons or chrysalids out of plasticky secretions, which is extremely unlikely to happen here.


Information from the EFAC Field Guide to Tamaquan Cryptozoology, 3rd Edition, 5/2023.


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