Monday, May 20, 2024

When We All Go

 I handed over "If We All Go" to its new owner yesterday -- I am just a tiny bit sad to part with this piece, but it was delightful to meet & chat with the lovely buyer!

** Two other folks who owe me message replies: I have "Moon Box" and "I Seem To Be A Tripod" all wrapt and ready; don't you want your art? **

"If We All Go" (detail)

Next up is the DCAC "Wallmountables" summer show -- July 12 to August 11, 2024. I'd reserved one square, planning to do several tiny things, but today I decided I may want to do several tiny things and one not-tiny thing, so I have reserved a second square.

Rumor has it that one of our quieter Collective members will also be installing something at Wallmountables! Watch this space...

And my new friend asked me if I have a newsletter, so I am going to create a little email list. I will probably just use it to send people these updates directly, since my blog posting is not very regular. Comment to this post if you'd like to be added (no-one will see the comments but me). I also post the link on BlueSky and Farcebook whenever I post something here.

If you would like a deluxe, paper, actual-mail version of my newsletter, it is possible that I will come up with something fancy like that for subscribers in the future! Comment below if you think you might be into that.

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