Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Back on my cracked kettle

This weekend is the Writer's Digest Conference in NYC. I'll have a little paper sign that says SOBER MEETUP in the "Facebook Lounge" during happy hour (6ish Fri.) and the Saturday night cocktail party.

I am also reserving the right to bolt mid-socializing and go see the Ragnar Kjartansson exhibition at the Met.  Death Is Elsewhere


  1. Sounds like an excellent plan. And if you go to the Met, I'll want to hear all about it! I thought about going back up by myself just to see that installation but don't think I'll make it by the 2nd.

  2. Friday's keynote ran long, so I didn't find the FB lounge; dinner and pitch-tweaking took my evening. I'm guessing Ragnar will have to struggle on without me...

    1. Made it to the Met on Saturday and it was totally worth it.
