Monday, December 5, 2016

fresh layers of alienation

Things look bleak. Days darken. "Wintry mix" creeps into the forecast. (Plus other things we don't talk about "collective"ly.) Art is still "why I get up in the morning" (ani d.), and I have secret, personal projects brewing. There is a happy rumor of Artomatic 2017, back in metro-accessible regions. Good stuff still happens. Fiercely splendid stuff will be going to happen.

I continue to resent and distrust Facebook, and also continue to use it, but you can also follow me / get my EFAC updates on Twitter or Instagram: @dorothyjhickson. My quieter friends still have IG accounts also -- danxherr, bxiie, and filthyrusty. Diana-Smiles can be found at Playa Del Fuego, which is a real event in the Big Room, amongst living, three-dimensional, not-a-sentient-swarm-of-bees, actual human artists under the actual sky. Perhaps I too will venture out there again, but even more probably you can find me at the next Artomatic in Crystal City or similar semi-real place.

Big Flightless Art Sale continues, now with free (collaged/creatively recycled) giftwrap! Hit me up for custom art cards as well. I can also create a special announcement card if you are making a donation to a Good Cause this winter in some lovely person's name.

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