Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Hyping of the Dodo

If All Be True

A novel of magic, mischief,
sex and other intoxicants,
old friends, ancient conspiracies,
& the Philly Folkfest.

Read a free excerpt online: dorothyhickson.com

Currently seeking agent/publisher

The above text appears on little cards I am making in preparation for the aforementioned fest, which starts this Thursday. Hand them out? Leave little stacks near the information booth? Tape them up in the portapotties? Maybe I will make them into a hula skirt and do the dance of a thousand papercuts.

Self-promotion feels unnatural to me (perhaps I should say blatant self-promotion, as there are those who categorize all art and adornment as "showing off") -- but really, what's wrong with showing off, when there's something to show? I have spent a lot of time and energy on this novel. Never enough, and far too much of the energy went into avoidance rather than work, but there has also been work.

The book is in final "Gamma Draft" tweak-level revision and will go out to one more trusted (and patient) reader at the end of this month. September will be the time of querying agents, researching publishers, and refining my (shudder) promotional materials.

Someday, we hope, the book tour.


  1. Fully acknowledging that self-promotion feels weird, I think it's great that you're doing it anyway. Hope all the energy you put into it returns to you as support, accolades, and representation!

  2. I know what you mean about self-promotion as I have decided I need to do more of it also. AND I need to do more calligraphy that is NOT necessarily spiritual to widen my possible audience.
